Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Figure 1
Madness has been defined in many different ways, some fundamentally opposed from each other. It is at the same time described as insanity, lunacy, and folly, while also categorized as extreme elation and excitement. Whichever side of the emotional seesaw you place madness, I like to view it as a state of psychological chaos, of unstable thought, and irrational behavior. The latter derived from the former.

Some would argue that if you claim madness to be irrational and unstable, therefore nebulous and inconstant, how can it be defined at all? Well, that's the point altogether.

Have Americans Lost Touch?

Portrait of Benjamin Franklin
Like a failing marriage, Americans seem to have lost touch with the principles that once guided their purpose. America was founded out of the struggle for economic freedom in Europe. Europe was dominated by monarchies and aristocracies that existed for the purpose of existing, and nothing more. The people's of Europe were heavily taxed and no development to the land, to infrastructure, or to industry was realized from those taxes. The funds collected from the people were used to support a disproportionate government and its extravagances. The opportunity to build a government whose sole purpose was to support the development, prosperity, and happiness of its people was only possible in the New World.